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Showing posts from September, 2018

They Say

  Humans are social animals they say. But not everybody feels the same. They like to stick to their beds on weekends and say no to outings. They communicate  10% and feel 90%. They are called  introverts.         These people may be Genius they say. Some are life of a party. They excel at everything be it public speaking,dancing,singing,solving sums at board. These people are sought after  when not found on a occasion. They are called extroverts.        These people are popular  they everybody  say. But I think that people are not explicitly  introverts or extroverts all the time but a  mixture of both depending on their mood,circumstances,people around them etc.          You are wrong they say. Then why does it happen even after reading an article about an introvert i relate to it even i don't consider myself as an introvert? And why does it happen that a person considered as introvert dances so well on their favorite beats with everybody?          You have a poin