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Showing posts from July, 2020

Understanding People

Usually we divide people in various categories introvert, extrovert, funny, sarcastic, easy going, shy etc. Then  we choose whether we have the same frequency with them or not using our intuition. Sometimes its hard to understand why we get along with people who are so different from us. I would not call myself a  people's person because i am definitely not . In my school/college i have been a shy person who concentrated on studies mostly. But as i grew up i now know my self as an introvert who knows with  whom i want to open up to. As a shy person is not confident enough to enjoy things they like  when surrounded by people, i have stopped calling myself shy. Its very difficult to understand people like parents can't understand their children and vice versa, husbands can't understand their wives, bosses can't understand their employees , trump can't understand china(this one is joke , no one can understand their eating habits) and so on.  If  we try to understand pe