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The Workaholic Tribe

The Workaholic Tribe

There are many kinds of people in the world .
There are lazy,laid-back,procrastinators,non passionate and what not  and then there are workaholics.

There is no problem in being workaholic till your boss comes in that category.
If your boss is a workaholic and  you are not then you may be screwed up.
As he would always push you but you want to be glued to your slow pace.

I too consider myself a workaholic.But I am  surely someone who always want to be occupied with office work in office.
Frankly speaking I consider using Facebook , Youtube and personal work in that 9 to 5 time frame a cardinal sin .

But being in a software company , at many times i find myself idle so i try to fill that void by doing something productive.

6 Signs that You are a Workaholic

1) You get stressed when you are not stressed.

Something clicked....
If you are a smart workaholic then you may face difficulties when you are not challenged by a critical problem which needs an immediate solution at work.
You are not meant for performing menial,mediocre,repetitive and monotonous jobs.
You are smart enough to automate the possible tasks and day by day your bandwidth keeps increasing.
You are left with a lot of time after that and there is no challenging work left.
And that is freaking you out.

2)You don't like Long Breaks at Work
Man is a social animal. Social needs have 3rd position in Maslow's Hierarchy of needs .
Literally it is ,I am not saying  that you can't survive without friends at work by just  having Hi/Bye friends. But having  genuine friends at work is a bliss because you can't share your work related concerns with Friends/Family.
But to be a part of that social life you have to sacrifice something sometimes and what's that,its your TIME.
You just keep looking at your watch when the break time exceeds more than 15 minutes.

3) You try to avoid all the unnecessary meetings 
You avoid all the unnecessary meetings organized by HR's to do your work as far as possible.
Same with futile Training sessions.

4) Long videos in office are a big NO
You can't see a video more than 5 minutes duration during office .For you watching >15 minute videos at office is morally incorrect .

5)Hooked to Emails
Giving time to Family is essential for you too, but you can't stop yourself from checking email once  before bedtime even at a busy day at Home.

6) Your Boss Respects you 
This would be applied in >80% cases . If you are a workaholic and responsible person your credibility at work increases .Your boss will respect and encourage you in case your firm has a healthy work environment.

So the epitome of this entire article is being a workaholic is right or wrong?

I will give you a diplomatic answer.
Being a workaholic is great till its not affecting your other responsibilities and is enhancing your career .
In early days of your career and in times of single-hood  you can easily be one. It will increase your reputation,credibility and opportunities at work and will prepare you for the future.

But never ever , compromise on your closed relationships for work since your loved ones will support you when no one else does. Respect their love for you and spare some of your precious time for them.

Also don't compromise your health for work since a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

Take Care !!!!!!!!


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