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"That Beach"

Joey was sitting on the land looking at the imprints , her feet  had made on the sand as she walked down the shore .

She was looking at the sun and the beautiful orange hues it had made in the sky.
Sky was very beautiful that day,but not to her. 
Nothing has remained same in her life now. She is not able to appreciate  even the natural beauty these days. Nothing seems interesting to her. Nothing excites her now.

She was looking at the sun,when a boss eyed bhelpuri seller goes by and she went into flashback.
The bhelpuriwala had came here around 5 years ago.

She and Harish used to come here at every weekend to watch the sunset. It was like a pastime for him to bargain with the bhelpuriwala just for fun to tease him .He used to  get irritated initially but soon he understood him and played along. Harish was a very playful and humorous person. He used to be shy at first but once he was comfortable he had the ability to win anybody's heart with his charm.
They used to play pakadam pakdaai at beach, make sand castles, eat bhelpuri, watch sunset,hold hands and  sing songs to each other.Joey kept on talking and he kept on listening looking into her eyes. They were like best friends, great companions and loyal lovers. He always had a spark in his eyes whenever he made eye contact with her. They had both chemistry and compatibility.
Then a high wave swept down the shore to her feet bringing her back to the present.

After he is gone, it is not easy for her to love again. Its been so long and she has not met anyone because she can't feel the same for anybody else. She tried many times but she can't. So she turned down the people who had hit on her since then. He was her true love but destiny came between them.

They were together for 10 years and then he left, leaving her alone forever. She thought about it and tears came rolling down her eyes.
She had so many memories with him on this beach that she can't stop herself coming here whenever she want to recall those golden days of her life. She can never forget him, no matter how hard she try.

She checked her watch , it was 7 pm and its time to go back home , she thought as she has to also go to church tomorrow. Getting up, her eyes stopped looking at a not so newly wedded couple who were buying bhelpuri. The lady wearing an old chooda was constantly talking but the man was just listening . He was looking gloomy and was showing no interest in her chatter . He looked up and their eyes met accidentally and there was a sudden spark in that man's eyes. After buying bhelpuri he just gave the money without any bargaining.

He has changed she thought. She went back home but this time with a stronger determination to not come back on "that beach" again.

Thanks for reading !!!


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