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Five things trekking teaches us

Recently i went on a trip that mainly included climbing a mountain.
Seemingly I am not a adventurous person but my soul is ,it has a FOMO and it don't want to miss anything in the world that gives it an adrenaline rush.
During the trek many thoughts crossed my mind and i decided to jot them down.

1. Falling is unpredictable,so learn to rise
  While walking on the bumpy mountain path you may be very cautious that you don't fall ,but sometimes you  fall suddenly . So you take some rest but you don't quit because that is not an option in trekking as you need to complete the journey.
In life also we should never give up and should achieve our goals even after encountering failures. We should not let our past  decide our future.It is very important to build resilience in life because it will help you with your risk taking abilities and trying new things in life.

2. Look around from time to time
Its important to be focused when we climb a mountain so that we don't fall but its very important to take breaks from time to time to look around and see the natural beauty around , otherwise we will miss out the joyous part of trekking ,i.e the view.
In life , we should focus on our goals but should take out time for rejuvenation too, otherwise we will miss out on life and the time once gone never comes back.

3. Keep helpful people around for a happy journey
You may be independent and all but still you need a companion, mentor , entertainer, cheerleader by your side to make the journey happier.
Also when you fall these people will help you out to overcome the difficult situations and guide you with the path.

4. Journey is always beautiful than destination
While trekking we have a beautiful view around us which gives us a soulful experience .
There are mountains,valleys,clouds,river,waterfalls,snow and rocks around the river which makes you feel that you are in a paradise.
But when you reach the destination you see only the top view .
In life too we should not only celebrate our success but also appreciate our will, determination, consistency , curiosity , reselience and honesty because they are the reason of our success.

5. Walking together is important than walking fast.
As Gandhiji said , if you want to go fast walk alone but if you want to go far ,walk together.
When you are with the like minded people you reach your destination in no time while talking .
You will get there on your own too but you will miss out on many things companionship offers.

Apart from the philosophical stuff, things you should keep in mind (telling from experience) while trekking are :
1. Drink enough water beforehand.
2. Carry warm clothes,extra pair of socks(a must) , chocolates with you.
3. Walk at your own pace neither fast nor slow. Don't compete.
4. Place your feet firmly on ground even on a planar surface.
5. Avoid walking on ice if you don't have trekking shoes.
6. Take short breaks only.
7. Click pictures and capture memories in your mind too.

Thanks for reading !!


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