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Let it be..

If you can't run fast enough,
Let it be.
Be joyful and observe everything around.
If you can't cook delicacies like your online ideal,
Let it be.
Love the act of cooking.
If you never experienced love like those in films,
Let it be.
Enjoy the movie and escape away.
If you have not figured out it all ,
Let it be 
And be patient with yourself.
If you cry listening to a song for the feelings you never had,
Let it be a medium for letting out  your hidden emotions.
If you are not able to travel every 3 months,
Let it be.
Its nothing to show off about.

If you can't express yourself ,
No don't fall for the refrain,
Learn to do how.

Everybody has  different path,vibe and timing.
Embrace you uniqueness and let it be.


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