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Couple --> Parents

                          A carefree couple  Having a child is the happiest event of your life and watching them grow bring joy in your life everyday. Every big change in life whether good or bad, challenges you as a person , evolves your personality and make you a different being. When you are expecting as a couple everybody around you prepares you about living with the baby, right way of taking care of her and tell their postpartum experience. But the thing that nobody prepares you about  is the change in the relationship with your spouse.  It's like your romantic relationship is just a nostalgia now, the way you both used to spend time together, the way you cared for each other, the way you enjoyed your outings and trips. Everything becomes a thing of past  and you don't even realise it until you see an old picture of you two together, the way you both are smiling, how carefree you both used to feel, how loving your relationship was and you realise that it will never be the
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My Moon

You are my sun ,my moon , My best friend, my toon. My lover, my life's boon.  My melon in summer's afternoon. With whom i can share a spoon, And a umbrella during monsoon. What would i do without you, My problem solving tool . When away i want you back soon. Always stay happy and blessed. My mister super coool. 🤗

Water yourself

Girl you are bound to blossom , water yourself. Waiting for the rain is futile, water yourself. Look out for sunshine and water yourself. To Be the cherry blossom 🌸,daisy 🌼 or a sunflower 🌻, You need to water yourself. What are you waiting for , water yourself. Deepen your roots , expand your branches and Aim for the sky . Water yourself. Autumn was needed for the onset of Spring. Girl you are bound to blossom 🌸.


Why there is Light only at the end of a dark tunnel. Why even million of stars can’t replace the Sun. Why Waves long for the  the distant moon while belonging to the shore. Why Heart always wants the impossible and brain holds it back. Why the one who expresses a lot don't love and the one who Loves a lot can't express. Why we hold on to someone from the past and let go of that one in the Present. Why some people love things and use People. Why we Remember people most when they are gone. Why we are Lost on our own and want someone to find us. You can find so many Whys around you , but why aren’t you letting your mind wander. Let it wander, let it Wander.

Let it be..

If you can't run fast enough, Let it be. Be joyful and observe everything around. If you can't cook delicacies like your online ideal, Let it be. Love the act of cooking. If you never experienced love like those in films, Let it be. Enjoy the movie and escape away. If you have not figured out it all , Let it be  And be patient with yourself. If you cry listening to a song for the feelings you never had, Let it be a medium for letting out  your hidden emotions. If you are not able to travel every 3 months, Let it be. Its nothing to show off about. If you can't express yourself , No don't fall for the refrain, Learn to do how. Everybody has  different path,vibe and timing. Embrace you uniqueness and let it be.

Five things trekking teaches us

Recently i went on a trip that mainly included climbing a mountain. Seemingly I am not a adventurous person but my soul is ,it has a FOMO and it don't want to miss anything in the world that gives it an adrenaline rush. During the trek many thoughts crossed my mind and i decided to jot them down. 1. Falling is unpredictable,so learn to rise   While walking on the bumpy mountain path you may be very cautious that you don't fall ,but sometimes you  fall suddenly . So you take some rest but you don't quit because that is not an option in trekking as you need to complete the journey. In life also we should never give up and should achieve our goals even after encountering failures. We should not let our past  decide our future.It is very important to build resilience in life because it will help you with your risk taking abilities and trying new things in life. 2. Look around from time to time Its important to be focused when we climb a mountain so that we don't

The Alternate Universe

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