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Lina (A short story)

Vimal came back home after his 10 hour night shift , so he reached home late for the first time since marriage. After his wedding he bought a new flat in a scarcely populous society in a remote area.

Three months back he got married to this beautiful girl Lina , who was more than just a pretty face .
Lina was a makeup artist by profession , she chose a profession where she became successful so fast because of her own good looks .
Not only she was good in her work , she had all those qualities  an Indian men can dream of.

On his usual return time , he would find lina sleeping soundly  but today she was not there.

"She must be in the washroom" he thought , he was guilty as he had not informed her about his late timing that day.

He put his briefcase on the table and laid on the bed to get some sleep. As he was about to lie on the bed he heard lina's footsteps which were not sounding familiar.

So he shouted "I am home Sweety ,sorry i forgot to inform you that i would be late today".

But what he saw terrorized him, his heart starting pounding,in front of him was standing a lady that was not his wife . Her pupils were white with  small black lens, black circles all around her eyes,white face with black spots, black and wrinkled lips.
Terrified , he screamed "Lina".
The lady replied "She is gone . I am here now , tell me what you want?" in her heavy voice.
"Who are you? I don't know you .Please tell me where is my wife. Is she safe? Please tell me i beg you" ,he pleaded.
The lady started laughing , which further frightened Vimal , but sooner he realized it was lina herself.

Due to sleep deprivation he forgot that she had got a contract as a makeup artist in a Horror movie for which she was practicing as she told him earlier , but he forgot. So he smiled back.

"You are so cute . I like that you got so worried about me " Lina said.
The smile which was terrifying Vimal a few seconds ago , was beholding him now.

Saying that Lina lean towards him and he noticed her backward facing foot.

"I need to get some sleep" , he said and lied on the bed covering his face with the blanket.

Thanks for reading !!!


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