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A Letter to Corona

Hey You ,

So you are here in India now , it feels like the clock is ticking.
But can we stop you from coming to this densely populated country.
I have now starting believing that our "33 crore Devi Devta" will come to the rescue.
Maybe I am overthinking ,but we (the world)  can feel the stress a man with a time bomb would feel.

Schools are closed, colleges are closed and IT employees are working from home for now.
Stock Market is down and a global recession is about to come.
All because of you , whose size is as small as one nanometer and you  have bring this whole big world to a standstill.
But you have also become a very good meme material and some medical firm has probably prepared antidote against you, is a sigh of relief.

But being an optimistic i can't stop my self seeing the good in this situation.

Maybe you are just a God's source because nobody can tell exactly from where have you come.
Its His  way to detoxify the earth and reduce her burden by wiping out some of our population.
But our God can't be like Thanos , He gives lives not take it.

But wait how can He see his other creations being treated so badly by his greatest creation which he initially  thought will love them and will create a better place so that everyone can coexist in peace.
The latter has become a threat for the former.   
He gave them brains and evolve them periodically so that they can make this world a better place.
But Man's over interference with nature is just not done - deforestation,poaching, global warming,climate change,cruelty towards animals as well as humanity,over consumption of natural resources and what not.

Maybe I am exaggerating, but the current situation  feels like a Scifi movie where everything is going  to be destroyed shortly but here we don't have any superheroes for our rescue.

If we introspect now this time has also shown us to appreciate the things we have always taken as granted. 
Like being able to move around fearlessly and freely, our families and breathing.
The power of being alone,think,be self-dependent and work on our inner self.
We always  focus too much on  our so called problems that there is no space for gratitude.

We should learn to love ourselves ,this life  and make the best out of what is remaining.

But still I would say 
Please Go Corona !!!

An employee working from Home 😁 
(who has caught a cold and is afraid that its you😓)


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