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I will choose

I will choose a morning walk        over a late night stroll. I will choose gazing at the stars      over attending a party. I will read a thriller novel      over watching that movie. I will choose being different      over being likable. I will choose to make people laugh    over laughing on them. I will choose to be kind always and    that too in private. I will choose being content        over being awesome on social media. I will choose someone with integrity       over someone with a Mercedes. I will keep choosing myself first over everybody else     and not being ashamed of it. I will keep believing in myself     over the society's beliefs for me. Perhaps I will take a leap of faith from    my comfort zone someday. But till then I will keep choosing what feels right . Thanks for Reading !!!

Bhool Gaye

भूल गए ||    चलते चलते इन राहों में , हम रूक कर  सांस लेना भूल गए ||  चिंता इतनी थी गीली सड़कों की , कि बारिश की बूँदे छूना भूल गए ||  इतनी शिददत थी मकान बनाने की, कि घर सजाना ही भूल गए ||  ध्यान इतना था मंज़िल पर , कि रास्तों को देखकर भी देख ना सके ||  इतनी  तलब थी ज्यादा दोस्तों की , कि क़िसी एक से सच्ची यारी ना निभा सके ||  पीछे भागते हुए बड़ी ख्वाशियों के , छोटी चीज़ों का मज़ा लेना भूल गए ||  शक्लों पे ध्यान था इतना ज़्यादा , कि रूह किसी की देख ना सके , फ़ोन में इतना घुसे रहे, कि आसमां देखना भूल गए ||  चलते चलते इन राहों में हम, रूक कर  सांस लेना भूल गए, भूल गए  ||  Sometimes its good to take rest for a while ,enjoy the moment and be in that moment. Thanks for reading !!!

Lina (A short story)

Vimal came back home after his 10 hour night shift , so he reached home late for the first time since marriage. After his wedding he bought a new flat in a scarcely populous society in a remote area. Three months back he got married to this beautiful girl Lina , who was more than just a pretty face . Lina was a makeup artist by profession , she chose a profession where she became successful so fast because of her own good looks . Not only she was good in her work , she had all those qualities  an Indian men can dream of. On his usual return time , he would find lina sleeping soundly  but today she was not there. "She must be in the washroom" he thought , he was guilty as he had not informed her about his late timing that day. He put his briefcase on the table and laid on the bed to get some sleep. As he was about to lie on the bed he heard lina's footsteps which were not sounding familiar. So he shouted "I am home Sweety ,sorry i forgot to inform you t

30 Minutes without INTERNET

Unusually I had to do some office work this weekend, so after doing all my chores for the day ,i.e getting up from the bed,bathing and eating breakfast I thought i would get back to work after binge watching a few episodes of HIMYM. But as my open my laptop to begin the work , i noticed that the internet was unavailable. So i called my internet provider and he told me that it would be off for half an hour or more. So i decided to scroll down my FB/Insta feed  (using mobile data) to kill time. But as i was scrolling down something hit me and hit me hard. I realized for a moment that those posts were not serving the purpose they were meant to serve , i.e to grab my attention and entertain me .Have i turned into a Zombie/Robot in this modern world, i started thinking. Lately I started thinking something else instead , recalling all those memories i had in the childhood when there were no internet , computers &smart phones,phone calls were too costly that we used to give a mi

Acha Lagta Hai

  कबूतरों का झुण्ड जब ज़मीन से उड़कर आसमां छूता है ,अच्छा लगता है | चिलचिलाती धूप मैं जब बादल सूरज को ढक लेता है ,अच्छा लगता है |  बारिश के बाद पत्तियों का रंग भी अच्छा लगता है |  सर्द दिनों मैं सूरज की किरणें लगती है जब तन को,अच्छा लगता है   |  बहुत कोशिशों के बाद पा जाती हूँ जब कुछ, अच्छा लगता है  |  बिना कहे जब कोई समझ जाता है बात, अच्छा लगता है |  कर दे कोई अचानक ही तारीफ तो अच्छा लगता है |  करती हूँ जब  कुछ अलग तो अच्छा  लगता है |  किसी रोज़ देखती हूँ जब ऊँचाई से , उगते या ढलते सूरज को तो, अच्छा लगता है |  उड़ते हुए पंछिओं क़ो जब देखकर आसमान में , सोचती हूँ कि क़ाश उनमें से एक मैं भी  होती तो अच्छा लगता है |  सब ढूँढ़ते है ज़िन्दगी में दौलत ,शोहरत और प्यार  पर मुझे तो छोटी छोटी चीज़ों में ही खुशियाँ ढूँढ़ना , अच्छा लगता है ||

What next?

What next?  Our entire life switches between two phases continuously - Good and bad. Good times gives us new friends and bad times the genuine ones. Each phase has its own beauty. One makes us thankful to God and the other brings us closer to Him. We all hope that the bad phase ends up soon and we jump into the good phase , the phase of settlement we may call it. But after thinking (yes i do it often), i realize that the good phase also has two phases which are  "get this" and "what next". We all go through a rat race in early stages of our lives in school,college ,job search and what is waiting for us at the end of this race , a "9 to 5" trap with a 6 figure salary as bait and most of us want to be trapped into  it .In fact all of us , and those who are left are considered losers . And after getting into this trap , we are never able to get out of this "what next" phase.We don't know what we want in life and resort to usel